Looking to sell Louis Vuitton bags online? myGemma is the faster and safer way to sell designer bags for the best possible prices, in as little as 24 hours. We buy your luxury bags outright, with no fees or commissions deducted.
Looking to sell Louis Vuitton bags online? myGemma is the faster and safer way to sell designer bags for the best possible prices, in as little as 24 hours. We buy your luxury bags outright, with no fees or commissions deducted.
We know that selling designer bags can be time-consuming and complicated.
So we designed a simple, streamlined process for your convenience.
Don’t worry, it’s easy.
We will contact you via phone or email.
We provide free, fully insured shipping to send your items in for a final price. If things don’t work out, we send your items back to you free of charge and fully insured. There is never any obligation to sell.
You also have the option to schedule an in person appointment at our offices in NYC or London.
Accept our final offer and we wire the money to you, or mail a check if you prefer. It’s that simple.
Sell Or ConsignUsually, the more versatile designs will be worth more, as vintage bags are often bought to be used rather than simply collected, and classics like the Alma or Speedy often retain a high resale value.
Limited editions: Often the most expensive Louis Vuitton bags are special orders or limited editions, meaning that they are produced in extremely small numbers and never go on sale to the general public, only to a limited group of influential people such as celebrities.
Trend pieces: Trend pieces, which have been prominently featured in magazines, on social media, or seen on influential people, are likely to sell for close to the original buying price.
Condition: It is important to note that the condition of the bag is extremely important. When you invest in a designer handbag, it is crucial to store and maintain it properly. Finally, it is important to keep all receipts, authenticity papers, as well as the original bag and box.
Head of Diamonds & Jewelry
Head of Watches
Head of Handbags
Accepted | Declined | |
Structure | Minor creasing or indentations | Heavy loss of shape |
Exterior | Minor scratches, discoloration, or marks | Heavy scratches, discoloration, or staining |
Interior | Light scratches, wear, or marks | Heavy scratches, stains, or tears |
Odor | Light (perfume) | Heavy (cigarettes, storage) |
Corners | Minor wear | Heavy wear, exposed piping |
Hardware | Minimal scuffs, discoloration | Heavy scratches, discoloration, tarnish |
535 5th Avenue, 11th Floor,
New York, New York
10017, USA